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Join our Team!

Join Art for Animals today and start making a difference. 

Volunteer Opportunities

Pick a Team!

Fill out an interest form to join the team or opportunity you're interested in.

teaching informational craft classes on Zoom for elementary school students

writing blog posts for our website

create media posts and campaigns

 create art products for fundraising purposes

Art/Product Team

Social Media Team

Blog Team

Youth Outreach

Volunteer hours will be given based on hours participated in events such as club meetings and fundraisers, and individual projects will each be awarded a fixed amount of hours on completion.  

Volunteer Hours





Members contribute through different types of art work. Some write articles for the blog, some knit stuffed animals to sell on our website, others embroider tote bags. Whether you enjoy painting, knitting or graphic design, there's a project here for you. 

Volunteer Awards

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Art for Animals is certified to offer the PVSA (President´s Volunteer Service Award) to its most dedicated volunteers.  This award will include a certification of your achievement and a letter signed by the President.  In the chart above, the required numbers of volunteer hours to be obtained within a year are listed.  In addition, all volunteers who would like to apply for this award are responsible for the costs of the award packages. Please check the official website of the PVSA for the costs of the awards and other requirements for volunteer eligibility.  

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